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Get Onboard with IIoT and Industrie 4.0 with Beeond’s OPC UA Training

    Learn How to Leverage the IIoT and Industrie 4.0 Revolution

    The new industrial revolution known as IIoT and Industrie 4.0 is real and happening today.  This revolution is driving the adoption of OPC UA as a critical standard.  As normal with a significant change, there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Training is critical to cut through the hype and misinformation and to understand how to leverage this technology shift in your products and operations. The training should be about practical implementations that are possible today targeting the implementers and users that will benefit. It’s important that everyone involved, from management to technical staff, be trained.

    Beeond has developed a 5-Step Process that helps both vendors and end users through the UA adoption cycle, from concept to certification, with the main benefit of reducing risk and cost. The 5-Step Adoption Process helps vendors and users: 1) assess and define their requirements, 2) define an adoption roadmap, 3) train personal, 4) develop/deploy their UA-enabled applications, and 5) assure that their applications comply or can be certified against the specification. This process is practical and will reduce the risk, cost and time for both automation vendors and end users.

    Make Training a Priority

    Training is a critical step of the process. Diving into OPC UA should not be taken lightly. UA is a powerful and comprehensive technology which has a degree of complexity. Without training, product and technical management may have difficulty defining the optimum plan for adoption and developers may struggle and become frustrated trying to wade through the 300 plus conformance units.

    When it comes to OPC UA, training should be a high priority, even for the most seasoned veteran technologist. In addition to the complexity of OPC UA, there are several good reasons why employers should make training a core benefit for their employees.

    • Productivity Enhancement – Individuals, whether technical or management, who are trained and can immediately apply what they have learned are able to produce better results faster and with fewer mistakes and rework.
    • Boost Employee Confidence & Satisfaction – Employees want to be valued and employers want productive employees. It’s a win-win. Training boosts productivity, employee value and employees are more motivated, loyal and enthusiastic in their work.

    OPC UA Training Courses Focus on 2 Users Groups

    Working with the OPC Foundation management team, Beeond has identified and developed virtual instructor led training courses focused on two groups of individuals: Software Developers and Deployment & Technical Management Personnel.

    Deep Dive OPC UA Software Development Training: This training course is designed for experienced software developers, who want to learn how to apply the OPC UA standard in the context of a practical application within an IIoT/Industrie 4.0 architecture. They will learn to ensure reliable and secure communications by enabling infrastructure support, interoperability with different systems, and in different vertical integrations through modeling of information in OPC UA.

    This hands-on course allows software developers to become UA proficient and to be quickly productive enabling them to jump into their development project with confidence and a collection of sample code.

    OPC UA Deployment, Migration & Architectures Training: This training course is designed for automation engineers, infrastructure architects, product managers, system integrators and technical/automation managers.  They will learn the principles of the OPC UA standard and the various approaches that can be taken to migrate their current systems and infrastructure to a modern OPC UA enabled IIoT/Industrie 4.0 infrastructure using on-premises, cloud, hybrid and microservices approaches.

    The knowledge gained from this course will help product managers and technical/automation management develop sensible and realistic plans for adoption that lower risk and cost for their organizations.  Automation engineers, control engineers and system integrators will leave with a good understanding of how UA is deployed in various environments and significantly reduces the disparate system integration effort and complexity that plagued automation projects in the past.

    “A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats”

    Training benefits all parties – employer and employee. OPC UA adoption is not trivial and training should be a priority for all parties involved. The benefits are employees are more productive and deliver better result faster, reducing risks and costs for their organizations.

    Read about Beeond’s virtual OPC UA training courses at