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FDT & OPC UA Empower a Single Approach to Integration

    The era of digital transformation is taking shape with FDT’s native integration of OPC UA providing information modeling and ongoing advancements through FITS™ for Sensor-to-Cloud and Enterprise-wide Connectivity

    Microsoft Contributing Open-Source OPC UA

      The OPC Foundation has announced an open-source implementation of the OPC UA technology, available on GitHub to truly enable the OPC community’s successful adoption of OPC UA across all markets and all platforms.

      OPC UA Information Modeling Enables Industry Collaborations

        As information workflows cross competence domains in several directions, users and providers start looking for a way to coalesce those standards into a farther-reaching, whole-encompassing interoperability “grammar”.
        That is one of the main reasons why OPC UA was created.

        Using Nodeset Files to Exchange Information

          Any client that needs to work with an OPC UA Server has to understand the information model present in the server and discover the instance of the model to be able to wire up to the correct nodes to exchange data. The usage of NodesetFiles [sic] greatly simplifies the exchange of OPC UA information models and the configuration of clients and servers. Users can be assured that their configuration is correct and it can minimize testing of systems.

          Tying Information Modeling to Asset-based Control, Analysis, and Visualization

            Information Modeling is a useful way to plan for the collaboration involved in the design, implementation, and operation of systems. It can be utilized in various applications from large-scale manufacturing operations to building automation and energy management. The models are typically created and edited via 3D design and drafting tools. Information Modeling also provides for quick and easy project collaboration and interaction.

            Analyzing OPC UA Communications with Wireshark

              As more and more companies are making the switch to OPC UA, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to view OPC UA communications. One of the easiest ways we’ve found here at Software Toolbox to analyze the communication between an OPC UA client and server is to use Wireshark. What follows is a tutorial.

              OPC Foundation Collaborations Update

                The OPEN-SCS Working Group (OPEN-SCS) is partnered with the OPC Foundation to develop an open source standard in the Packaging Serialization Global Name Registry and an associated set of subscription-based work products.
                With the companion specification for Auto ID devices, the OPC Foundation has shown how important it is to use a standardized technology for secure communication in an industrial environment.
                A release candidate for the OPC UA — IEC 61850 companion specification document is planned for Q2 2017, as work continues harmonizing these two widespread industrial standards.

                Leading Healthcare Providers Use OPC UA

                  Softing Industrial has signed an agreement with the OPC Foundation to supply the OPC’s Open-SCS working group with Softing’s OPC UA toolkits and to offer technical consultancy to the group.

                  Bringing the Power of the Cloud to Industrial Automation

                    The needs of industry have been the driving force behind the new OPC UA Publish/Subscribe (PubSub) Specification. This specification layers OPC UA on top of message based middleware (AMQP, MQTT, XMPP, etc.) allowing users to take advantage of OPC UA features such as the robust information modelling framework while adapting to message-centered communication paradigms.