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OPC Foundation and FieldComm Group Announce Cooperation

    The OPC Foundation and FieldComm Group announced an alliance to further advance process automation system multi-vendor interoperability and simplified integration by developing a standardized process automation device information model.

    Kepware, a PTC Business, Releases KEPServerEX v6.4

      KEPServerEX version 6.4 includes new data collection capabilities, improved data access, and seamless integration with both traditional and industrial Internet of Things (IoT) systems, enabling users to easily manage and monitor their plant floor.

      2017 Wrap: End-Users Pushing OPC UA

        “We are experiencing an incredibly successful rate of global adoption,” says Stefan Hoppe, Global Vice President of the OPC Foundation, looking back on the SPS show. End-users are putting pressure on their machine suppliers to implement OPC UA for their production processes. In the last year alone, 100 new members have joined the Foundation in a wave of member acquisition. In Germany, the VDMA and its 38 trade associations in particular are pushing forward the idea of OPC UA Companion Specifications.

        Secure Configuration and Operation of OPC UA

          How to realize secure data exchange and communication in industry? The OPC Foundation Security User Group answers this question by publishing its first white-paper “Practical Security Recommendations.”

          Industrie 4.0 Communication Guideline – VDMA

            The VDMA prioritized its activities on OPC UA and hereby presents an important position paper to the machine and plant engineering sector. The VDMA guideline “Industrie 4.0 Communication Guideline Based on OPC UA” should be understood as a practice-oriented tool. It shows actionable steps that help to implement the Industrie 4.0 communication in a company using OPC UA.

            CLPA Announces OPC UA Companion Specification

              The CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA), in association with the OPC Foundation, has announced an OPC UA companion specification for the CLPA’s new “CSP+ for Machine” technology to further ease the implementation of Industry 4.0 type applications.