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President’s Welcome – December 2020

    It’s the middle of December and therefore a good time to review the year and also to give an outlook for next year. Spontaneously, one might think “nothing happened this year – COVID-19 overshadowed everything and flattened all activities”. From the OPC Foundation’s point of view, one can give a different picture: COVID-19 did not stop the OPC Foundation but made us even more effective!

    Field Level Communications (FLC) Initiative Reaches Milestone

      The OPC Foundation’s Field Level Communications initiative has accomplished a significant milestone in the ongoing project by completing their initial release candidate with the focus on the Controller-to-Controller (C2C) use case. Download the Technical Paper here.

      Compliance Corner – December 2020

        The OPC Foundation Interoperability (InterOp, or IOP) Task Force has been working to establish the infrastructure needed to allow for a virtual IOP. After addressing any issues resulting from an upcoming test run, we will have an official IOP available for all vendors to register for by the new year.

        OPC Foundation Welcomes Emerson to Board of Directors

          In addition to the Board, Emerson also joins the OPC Foundation Field Level Communications (FLC) initiative to drive a holistic approach to sensor and device level communications across process and factory automation industries.

          OPC Foundation & ECLASS Collaborate for M2M Interoperability

            The goal of this cooperation agreement is to combine the power of the OPC UA and ECLASS (formerly eCl@ss) standards to better enable M2M interoperability via seamless communication of data and semantics using a standardized set of interfaces.

            Road Tunnel Monitored with Flexible Scalability

              With more than 200 Industrial PCs in operation, the 2,150-meter-long Kaisermühlen Tunnel in Vienna shows that modular PC-based control technology from Beckhoff, plus OPC UA linkage at the controller level, make for an optimum automation platform in this environment.

              ICONICS and Takebishi Enter OEM Agreement

                ICONICS has announced an agreement with Takebishi Corporation to integrate the Takebishi DeviceXPlorer OPC Server with its own OPC-based automation software solutions. The parties plan future collaboration, such as the integration of the configuration environment for the Takebishi DeviceXPlorer OPC Server into the ICONICS Workbench and the ICONICS IoTWorX™ IoT software solution.