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Find OPC at these Upcoming Events

    The OPC Foundation will have four stops on a North American seminar tour: Montreal, QC; Cleveland, OH; Chicago, IL; and Morris Plains, NJ. Also in September, OPC will attend the Industry of Things World – Europe event in Berlin, Germany. In October, two conferences are planned in Pune and Bangalore, India with the VDMA.

    Collaboration Update – August 2018

      Two collaborations are highlighted this month. Harmonization work has begun in the Industrie 4.0 Asset Administration Shell (I4AAS) Working Group along with the ZVEI and VDMA to bring the I4AAS into OPC UA. And the VDW has adopted OPC UA as its interoperability foundation for Machine Tool Builders.

      How OPC UA Information Modeling Powers IIoT/I4.0 Era Products

        Examples of the benefits of IIoT era open data sharing throughout the plant or factory shop-floor and the rest of the enterprise are easy to come by. What is not as obvious is how important (and difficult) it is to preserve and utilize the context of the shared data so systems can interpret and use the data they receive from 3rd party sources.

        OPC UA Empowers Fire Equipment Manufacturer

          For over 40 years, a large fire equipment manufacturer has produced high quality water delivery solutions for clients worldwide. Their robotic picking line had become problematic with frequent breakdowns and slow response time to commands, negatively impacting production efficiency. That is, until OPC UA came along.

          In-Chassis OPC UA Server for the ControlLogix® PLC

            Softing builds ControlLogix in-chassis modules as an Encompass Partner with Rockwell Automation. The Softing OPC UA in-chassis server module provides features over conventionally running a stand-alone dedicated OPC server.

            President’s Welcome

              Welcome to this edition of the OPC Connect newsletter. Hannover 2018 in April was a smashing success, as was the recent OPC Day Europe. Everywhere you looked OPC UA was prominently displayed and being demonstrated showing commitment to OPC UA technology.

              Certification Corner

                Welcome to the Certification Corner, let me introduce myself, I’m Alexander Allmendinger the Test Lab Director of OPC Foundation accredited European Certification Lab. Compliance Director Paul Hunkar and I will provide you an update on certification.

                Practical Security Guidelines for Building OPC UA Applications

                  Practical security recommendations for building OPC UA Applications provides both application guidelines and an overview of the OPC UA security concept itself, and how to use it. As industrial systems use networking and digitalization, new security challenges that are created need to be tackled systematically.